Put simply, there are no guarantees. We do not guarantee how many birds you’ll shoot or how many shots you’ll have. Wild bird shooting, i.e. rough shooting, pigeon shooting, wild fowling, are all unpredictable (which in our opinion makes them all the more exciting) it depends on so many variables not only on our part, the birds part and the weather but also your own capabilities. We’ll try and present the opportunities; the rest is up to you. Driven game shooting is much more predictable and in general we’d expect you to shoot at least the numbers booked.
Shoot whatever you feel most happy with it’s not something we’d try and influence you with. Our personal preference for most bird shooting is 16 bore #6, maybe #7 28-32gm felt/fibre wads. Allow larger shot sizes for game such as hares and geese. Be prepared and bring enough but don’t overdo it.
Driven game shooting requires traditional dress. For all other shooting sports standard advice, in summer it should be lightweight, in winter wrap up warm. Certainly greens or browns, preferably camouflage when pigeon/corvid shooting, should be your predominant choice of colour. A face mask or at the very least a good hat is essential and maybe gloves.
Booted and suited with a gun and cartridges is all you need, the rest we can provide.
Should you have all your own equipment and wish to set up your own hide and decoys we are quite happy to accommodate that situation. We will take you to a shooting spot where you can set up and spend the day. You must pack your own gear and leave the field at the agreed time having first cleared any litter including cartridges from the site. Remember though; the Woodpigeon is a wild bird; we can only supply you with opportunities.
Book into a local B&B, a Pub or a Hotel. We can also arrange local holiday cottages and grand country house stays with, if required, full butler/maid services.
We can recommend some great places to stay locally. This is after all a major tourist destination. Just ask for a list
You bet. In this day and age you’d be mad to shoot without it and we won’t let you. You will need to be a member of either BASC or something similar such as the CA or NFU for insurance purposes and be able to prove it. You will also need to have a valid shotgun and/or firearms certificate.
For shoot cancellation insurance contact either BASC or GoP. As a shooting business we are unable to arrange that for you.
If you’ve not shot or handled a gun before then please have professional lessons first, we are not a shooting school and do not coach although we can recommend one or two. We do not like novices shooting live quarry until they have a good overall knowledge and experience of shooting. We do run novice training days for pigeon shooting & deer stalking and can provide mentors for all other sport if required.
For most quarry there are seasons as listed on our various information pages. For wood pigeon shooting if there is such a time then probably around harvest time, late June, July through August/September and on into October. However some good bags of birds can be had during the winter months and at almost any other time of the year. Unpredictable is one of our favourite words in this game. Our personal favourite months for pigeons are February, March and April.
For game shooting yes, for pigeon shooting we’d rather you didn’t, for wildfowling maybe. A number of reasons (with apologies to fully and properly trained gun dogs) …We’ve all seen those unruly disobedient animals passed off as shooting dogs. (I own one or two!). If you insist then bring the mutt (prior notice please) and we’ll see what it’s like; then maybe.
Non-shooters are welcome. Depending on the type of shooting there maybe a small charge. Please ask when booking.
We probably get more foreigners than UK nationals shooting pigeons/corvids with us although and several on our game days even though we don’t speak any foreign languages. We have hosted many nationalities, Americans, Canadians, Danes, French, Germans, Greeks, Italians, Maltese, Portuguese, Swiss, Spanish, even Chinese among them. If you want to bring your own gun(s) you’ll need us to apply/sponsor you for a UK visitor’s permit from our local constabulary (Suffolk in this case). Many of our foreign visitors come in groups and stay over for a number of days.
Please email or call to discuss your requirements. Some of our days are a standard price but much of our game, duck, rough shooting and deer stalking is priced depending upon what clients require so best to speak with us first.
As any military man will tell you; there’s no such thing as bad weather, just inappropriate clothing! We go out in all types. Sometimes the weather simply isn’t on our side, too hot, too cold, too still, too wet but we’ll still give it a go. There’s seldom a day when the weather’s totally against us. Shooting/hunting is after all an outdoor sport.
You can arrange shoot cancellation insurance through BASC or GoP but as a shooting business we are unable to arrange that for you.
If WE cancel a day due to lack of opportunities and WE cannot re-book we’ll refund your money less a small administration fee of £35. If you’ve booked and wish to cancel then sorry but we don’t do refunds although we might arrange something at our discretion. Should you wish to arrange insurance specifically against cancellation for severe weather or any other eventuality we can help with that as we operate a policy of none returnable booking charges.
Only if you feel you’ve had a good trip. A tip, say £10 per 50 birds when pigeon, rough or duck shooting is always appreciated. On more formal game days the norm is currently around £25 per gun x each 100 birds or part thereof in the bag. Deer stalking tips depend on the individual stalking arrangements and the quality of the beast/s shot. Allow around £25 per day (two outings). If you’re well pleased with your visit, then show it.
All our shooting is conducted within the counties of Suffolk and Norfolk. Maximum drive times from our base location would be 11/2 hour, but typically many areas are within 10-15 minutes drive.
We'll keep you up to date with what's going on, upcoming events, what shooting we have available and any courses we’re running.
"What an utterly marvelous shooting party! Everything from the welcome ('Good evening Mr K can I look after your guns for you?' as I stepped from my taxi, how did he know who I was?) to the beautiful room in the Clock House, the stroll around the gardens to the evening soiree in the stunning drawing room (what wallpaper), the delicious dinner, breakfast and then a number of left & rights, not something I'd ever expected to achieve."